MR. Ikarus
The Children's Railway Our services are operated every day, except on Mondays between 1st September and 30th April. Our trains leave every 45 minutes on the weekends between 15th March and 1st November and every hour during winter; every hour in workdays and every 45 minutes in the end of the school year. The children's Railway line is almost 12 kilometres long and was constructed between 1948 and 1950. Train services run from Széchenyihegy to Hűvösvölgy passing by the renowned sites of the hills of Budapest. The railway crew has been made up of children aged between 10-14 since it was launched. The children dispatch trains, operate turnouts, sell and inspect tickets. World record. The Children's railway can be found in the Guinnes World Records, as it is the longest children's railway in the world.