Tiddlyharn East Model Railway
The Tiddlyharn East Geographical Back Story: Tiddlyharn East is a fictional Station serving the fictional Town of Tiddlyharn which is situated in the County of Dattylandshire in the South West of England. Dattylandshire was once part of the larger County of "Wetshill and Dattyshire" which in 1957 was split into the two smaller Administrative Counties of Dattylandshire and Wetshil. Wetshil's County Town is the Town of Whistle which is the next Mainline Station North of Tiddlyharn East and just over the County border. The Main Locations in Dattylandshire are: Tiddlyharn The Largest Town and Administrative County Town of the County of Dattylandshire. It is the largest Town in the County with a population of around 27,000. The Town is an historic Railway Town with a number of Railway Works and both Tiddlyharn West and Tiddlyharn East Stations (see Railway Back Story to Follow). The Town also boasts Division 2 Football side Tiddlyharn Town FC. Dartley The second largest Town in the County with a population of 21,000. The Town is home to Division 3 Football side Dartley United FC and the ICI Chemical Works which is just 2 Miles South East of the Town Centre. The Town is 15 Miles North West of Tiddlyharn. Lyndhead A Seaside Town on the Lyndhead Strait body of water which separates the large Hatterdy Island from the Mainland. The Town has a population of around 8,500 and is a popular tourist destination in the County. Boasting a beautiful sandy Beach, Fairground and Holiday Park as well as a regular Foot Ferry Service across to the Island. The Town is located 8 Miles South West of Tiddlyharn. St Thaldine A relatively small Village with a population of around 1000 people dominated by the impressive St Thaldine Church dating back to the 1500's. The Village is 5 Miles East of Tiddlyharn. Tiddhastry A Village with a population of around 3,000 and just 2 Miles from the Coast. The Village boasts a Model Village and is located 3 Miles South West of Tiddlyharn. Tristy A small Coastal Clifftop Village with a population of around 600 people and a small sandy Beach beneath which is accessed via a Funicular Railway or by Pedestrian only Steps and Ramps. The Village is 5 Miles East of Tiddlyharn. Yiddnaster A former Mining Village with a population of around 2,700 people and just 3 Miles from the Coast. The Village boasts a Horse Racing Track on the outskirts of the Village which is situated just 5 Miles South West of Tiddlyharn. The Village is also situated on the Eastern edge of the vast Dattyland Forest.