Another factory-built type of inspection vehicles. This one once built for track maintenance workers and while being able to feed electric instrument and welding torch, as we were told was actually used by head of railway division. Division is relatively small part of the road and the typical route length was 200-300 km, so no place to sleep was installed. Now it is being preserved to be given eventually to one of railway museums. The #AS3M railcars were built amidst post-soviet economy crisis of 1990s, so the wagon and cab are having minimalistic design. Signal lamp board is just covered with a sheet with typewritten signatures. However, there was desire to implement up-to-date solutions. For example, you can see that in suspension were introduced more reliable horizontal links instead of axlebox guides. After large controllers of full-size locos it may be not easy to find on the desk a tiny switch controlling the motor speed. Similar designs are used on several railcars. I doubt if it is convenient but they say it's just a matter of habit. #photo #train #diesel #museum