Polish-built by Pafawag factory in Wroclaw narrow gauge (750 mm) passenger wagons were produced up to 1960 and operated widely in Eastern Europe as well as in the USSR. Soviet 'Pafawags' were used mainly by general purpose lines and 'children railways', both belonging to Railway ministry. Industry-owned (usually logging and pit) narrow gauge roads often got more simple wagons from a domestic plant. Being more comfortable and providing noticeably smoother ride on poor tracks with their original bogies, 'Pafawags' turned out to be rusting fast, so not many of them survived. Gradually they've been replaced by soviet-built wagons which proved to be more handy. Interesting that a few narrow gauge roads operating long routes had even rebuilt 'Pafawags' into sleeping wagons. Photos taken in Gulbene (Latvia) and Ekaterinburg (Russia). Latvian wagon in the photo had received an 8-digit number mainly used by 1520 mm network. #trainspotting #narrowgauge #Ekaterinburg #Gulbene