Believe it or not I exist outside of the computer too! This year has seen some crazy weather out here on the west coast. Despite living so near by, I got to see Union Pacific move their rotary plow to Donner for the first time early March as an Eastbound intermodal shot out of nowhere! Being the train nerd I am though, that didn't quite satisfy my need for train spotting, and on my way home I stopped to get a few more pictures. In the first additional pictures a train was stopped waiting for clearance so I decided to position my car for a goofy photoshoot. It wasn't until then that I realized just how small a sedan really is, what with the monster of human ingenuity absolutely dwarfing my car from above. Just before reaching town I noticed some signals were kn. That only meant one thing. TRAIN! Of course at that point I was practically obligated to stop and photograph it. Sure it was only a Southbound tanker train, but a train is a train, right? #trainspotting #train #rotaryplow #rotary #rotaries