Michael Schuijff
As you might have noticed, there hasn’t been any major update for this app for some time. My mental health took a rather big hit during the 2020 lockdown. I grew up in a household with rather excessive restrictions and I know what that can do to your health. This wasn’t my first lockdown, so to speak. I tried warning various people that there would be massive collateral damage from all the restrictions and that this should be taken into consideration, at the very least there should have been programs in place to adequately deal with mental health problems. Sadly, the increase in suicide attempts, depression, domestic violence and sheer panic have proven me right. Which in turn made me feel hopeless and desperate. In recent weeks there seems to be a shift in the public debate, we’re starting to take notice of the domino effect. During all this, Train Siding has been a source of relief, a way to distract myself from all the horrors happening in the world right now. Yet, I lacked the energy to add new features and generally improve on it. As I’m getting back on track with my day job, I hope to return to the development of Train Siding in a month or so. First, I want to improve on its stability and overall design. There are a few things that have been bugging me since the start that I want to fix. Next, I want to implement quite a few features that I always intended to include. I hope you will all bear with me in the mean time.